TES Insights

Do Myths Separate You from Career Success?

Myths and FEAR

The New Career Economy suggests that job satisfaction and job security are nearly oxymorons.  Many Americans are now taking ownership of their careers, while others are falling victim to myths.  The latter group’s thinking is based on FEAR:  False Evidence Appearing Real.  

Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone, but some who would be wildly successful aren’t even taking a look.  Let’s look at a couple of myths that drive FEAR of business ownership:

Myth 1:  “I have to be an expert in order to open and run a business.” 

Nope.  In his modern classic business book, The E-Myth Revisited, Michael Gerber reminds us that new small businesses often suffer because the owner was 70% Technician, 20% Manager, and 10% Entrepreneur.  New business owners can easily fall into the trap of practicing their expertise rather than running their business.  They need to realize that “build it, and they will come” doesn’t often apply to real businesses.  The fact is:  A NEW small business needs an owner who is 33% Technician, 33% Manager, and 33% Entrepreneur.  Franchise businesses open every day with new owners who are migrating from extraordinarily diverse careers.  Their lack-of-expertise within their new industry simply does NOT matter; at least not at the beginning.  Their transferable skills are what matter.  Just think:  Warren Buffett owns a lot of successful businesses.  Do you really think he is an expert in all of them?  

The point:  You do NOT have to be an expert to start and run your own business.  To be a successful business owner, you need to work more ON your business, NOT “in” it.

Myth 2:  “I must convert a deep passion into a business in order to be successful.” 

This is more a cliché than a principle.  There’s certainly nothing wrong with loving a business that leverages your passions; it just isn’t a requirement!  I know an owner of a successful restaurant who doesn’t eat there because he doesn’t like the loud music.  I also know an owner of a “porta-potty” company.  Do you think HE’s “passionate” about “porta-potties?  No.  He’ll tell you that his passions are time with his family, volunteer work, running a small business (it could be almost any small business!), and playing golf.  His business serves a need in the marketplace, he runs it well, and he makes a lot of money.  

The point:  He sees his business for what it is:  A VEHICLE to help him achieve his lifestyle and financial goals.  

Yes:  There ARE MORE Myths!

These are just two myths that keep people from pursuing business ownership as an option in this “new career economy”.  What if YOU address the myths that prevent you from pursuing your lifestyle and financial goals? 

*** That is NOT a rhetorical question.  😉

Bottom Line Conclusion:

Of all the people we’ve coached towards new careers over nearly 40 years, 95% end up in an opportunity they never knew existed or would have prematurely dismissed. Your needs, goals, personality type, and transferable skill set can all influence the path you take to reach financial freedom and fulfillment. Our coaches are trained to help you identify the best fit for you. We stand by our personalized, educational approach. You might be surprised by the path you take.

To your success!

Let’s start the discovery process with a free consultation. My goal is to help you discover what your future has in store, and I can’t wait to get started.

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